This research project focuses on the entanglements between gender and cyberspace since the 1950s and examines genderless techno-utopias in theories and artworks. Taking Cyberfeminism(s) as an anchor point, we will critically engage with a set of shared research questions: Could we escape gender in cyberspace? How do gender expressions and the Internet shape each other? How does contemporary technology fulfill or fail feminist and queer dreams? Through readings, discussions, art critique, collaborations and hands-on making, the project will introduce interns to key concepts at the crossroads of gender, technology, and media art and help them develop a unique artistic voice in these topics.
During the 2+7 weeks research period, you will:
Weekly Group Meetings Tuesdays 2-4pm (McHenry Library) | Office Hours (appointment by email) | Online Workshops TBD | Field Trip TBD
Week P1-P2: Research Preparation